A New Control Over Privacy In Facebook
A control nuevo sobre la privacidad en Facebook
Ont frappé Préoccupations of confidentialité depuis ses premiers jours Facebook, à l'introduction des from coils connu de données sans fin comme un fil de nouvelles pour une technologie Utilisation of ultérieure of reconnaissance faciale pour identifier les personnes dans les photographies.The node of all these concerns, of course, is how many people share on Facebook, with whom and - perhaps most importantly - how to understand the possible consequences.
The company is struggling to find a balance between providing users with very little control over the privacy and give them too much, lest they do not share at all. Seeking a middle ground, Facebook announced Tuesday that the changes he says will help users get a grip on what they share.
When changes are introduced to Thursday, Every May the liver Facebook users a picture, comment e Other Any content of the pages Chaleurs profile, they can specify-that-can tank: All Chaleurs Facebook friends said, the UN specific group of Friends, Those who have e access to the Internet. These will be listed in Who will replace some icons of today, the most of their menu lock Complicated.
Similar controls will apply to phone numbers of information users and home towns, and if they like, for example, death metal bands on their profile pages. Users no longer need to seek a separate page to twist the privacy see how your personal information. And they do not bother to remember what the settings were.
Responsables de la société qu'ils disent des changements espèrent permettra de processus d'établissement the simplifier here sait ce que parler de votre streets sur Internet - Sauver et quelques personnes Espère Ainsi du partage inconsciemment embarrass the trop.
Similar controls will apply to phone numbers of information users and home towns, and if they like, for example, death metal bands on their profile pages. Users no longer need to seek a separate page to twist the privacy see how your personal information. And they do not bother to remember what the settings were.
Responsables de la société qu'ils disent des changements espèrent permettra de processus d'établissement the simplifier here sait ce que parler de votre streets sur Internet - Sauver et quelques personnes Espère Ainsi du partage inconsciemment embarrass the trop.
"We want to make absolutely clear these things," Chris Cox, vice president of product on Facebook, said in an interview. "It 'clear that Facebook is a leader in how people see you."
Not least, there is a need to cultivate trust Facebook to its users, amid growing competition from Google's nascent social networking services, Google Plus, with its emphasis on communication more differentiated with different sets your friends and acquaintances.
Implicit in these changes is the challenge brought by the very success of Facebook. It is used by 750 million people worldwide, with varying degrees of knowledge about what it means to have a life online. There is the imminent prospect that the company will go public, with the constant concern of government regulation or action potential comes from privacy issues.
Facebook rejeté Great Notion laquelle les changements ont the relationship alimentées été par la concurrence. Responsible de la société à la peine aux pris de dire qu'ils avaient les Journalistes information sur les changements défenseurs de Confidential - y ont été COMPRIS ceux de critiques here on Facebook - not SOLLICH leurs Commentaires.
Not least, there is a need to cultivate trust Facebook to its users, amid growing competition from Google's nascent social networking services, Google Plus, with its emphasis on communication more differentiated with different sets your friends and acquaintances.
Implicit in these changes is the challenge brought by the very success of Facebook. It is used by 750 million people worldwide, with varying degrees of knowledge about what it means to have a life online. There is the imminent prospect that the company will go public, with the constant concern of government regulation or action potential comes from privacy issues.
Facebook rejeté Great Notion laquelle les changements ont the relationship alimentées été par la concurrence. Responsible de la société à la peine aux pris de dire qu'ils avaient les Journalistes information sur les changements défenseurs de Confidential - y ont été COMPRIS ceux de critiques here on Facebook - not SOLLICH leurs Commentaires.
E 'troppo presto per l'Utente dire changes will troveranno attraente or più facile, or if quello di riduce Kurt Opsahl, Electronic Frontier Foundation avvocato della, chiamato il "di oversharing number indesiderate his Facebook."
Privacy advocates warned that new tools do not address a problem in the sharing site. A Facebook user can post information on the fate of another user without his consent - if an employee on the beach the day he or she called in sick or a husband in a strip club on his back with his wife.
Other privacy experts say that if users feel they have control over who sees what, are more likely to share.
"I think THIS party fel a development they repulsed at the idea that Facebook is trying to Quebec to bring you a party accepts" DECLARE Jules Polonetsky of the Future Forum of Confidentiality, which is a basic Washington. "You are more likely to do you know you CE Quandt Facts."
Privacy advocates warned that new tools do not address a problem in the sharing site. A Facebook user can post information on the fate of another user without his consent - if an employee on the beach the day he or she called in sick or a husband in a strip club on his back with his wife.
Other privacy experts say that if users feel they have control over who sees what, are more likely to share.
"I think THIS party fel a development they repulsed at the idea that Facebook is trying to Quebec to bring you a party accepts" DECLARE Jules Polonetsky of the Future Forum of Confidentiality, which is a basic Washington. "You are more likely to do you know you CE Quandt Facts."

Représentent les nouveaux outils de l'approche récente a départ de Facebook, où les utilisateurs sont beaucoup de ce qu'ils places - tags, photos et des Ainsi de suite - à être disponibles couramment, sauf mention express. The position par défaut, en d'autres termes, a été de choisir de Partager.
Mr. Cox said the new tools have been designed to include data protection and management to ensure that Facebook users will never be "surprised" to see what else.
See sisältää valokuvia, NE joissa on "koodattu." ENAA unflattering tai vaarantamatta valokuva näkyvät profiilisivulla Ilman suostumustasi, mutt julkaisija valokuvan Voi silt pita end Sivun new oman. Käyttäjät voivat hyväksyä jokainen Kuva, Joss can not see merkitty Ennen näkyy heidän Sivuja.
In addition, the privacy option is now called the "whole" rather be called "public". Facebook executives say they want to dispel any doubt about the meaning of the day. If you click on the "public" meaning anyone online can see what you are posting, including complete strangers - or worse, parents, potential employers and lawyers divorce your ex-wife.
"Tenemos que ser para ofrecer a grain to a herramienta de aplicación universal", dijo Cox. With nueva configuración ", y es que el prominentes visually más público".
In fact, company officials say feedback from users of the images work better than words. So now, icons guide the course. "Public" to represent the world, "friends" with a couple of heads.
In fact, company officials say feedback from users of the images work better than words. So now, icons guide the course. "Public" to represent the world, "friends" with a couple of heads.
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