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Monday 29 August 2011

General Discussion Chinese Spy Leaked On YouTube

General Discussion Chinese Spy Leaked On YouTube
Images of a Chinese general to discuss sensitive intelligence matters was a leak of Google Inc video-sharing YouTube, in what appears to be a bitter failure of military secrecy usually quiet.
It is not clear when or where Maj. Gen. Jin Yinan comments made, and the Chinese Ministry of Defense has not responded to questions faxed Monday to the video. Calls to the National Defense University, where Jin is a Senior Lecturer rang unanswered.
Although some of these cases had been previously announced, some details were released, while others require that the army was totally secret.
Among Jin discussed was the fact that the former ambassador to South Korea, Li Bin, who was sentenced to seven years of corruption. Jin said Li was actually discovered in the secret passage to South Korea, China, which weakened the position of the talks on nuclear disarmament of North Korea, but the charges were too embarrassing to publish and graft charges were brought, instead.
"Throughout the world, serving as its ambassador to spy on another country?" Jin said.
A similar treatment was given to the former head of China's nuclear program, Kang Rixin, who was sentenced to life imprisonment on corruption charges last November. Jin Kang said, had in fact sold secrets to China's civil nuclear program to a foreign nation that has not identified but was considered too sensitive to bring to court.
Kang, a member of the ruling Communist Party of the powerful party central committee and its disciplinary arm, was one of the most senior officials have been involved in espionage, said Jin. His arrest dealt a major shock to the party leadership, said Jin.
"Center Party was very nervous. They are ordered from top to bottom inspection, and spared no individual," he said.
Jin also discussed Tong Daning, an official of the Chinese social security fund, which was executed in 2006 after being convicted of spying for rival Taiwan. Jin Tong said he had passed information to the leaders of the island in China's currency regime, allowing them to avoid massive losses due to exchange rates.
Cases in which soldiers, Jin said that Colonel Xu Junping, who defected to the United States in 2000, should not pose any technical secrets.
Instead, Xu passed the understanding of American military leaders, personalities, attitudes and practices from many years with the leaders of foreign travel, said Jin.
The video was also posted on Chinese websites, and while he was removed from most places, screens, sound files and transcripts of comments Jin can still be found on websites such as Sina Weibos service Popular microblogging.
Jin presentation, complete with explanatory slides, was typical of how these cases are dealt with private sessions, a warning to the cadres of the Communist Party can not bring espionage or corruption. The video appears to have been leaked from the official record instead of a member described the public.
The Chinese police authorities strongly, but it can only remove the objectionable content when it is sent and there is no possibility to monitor what the rest looks like.
Even if the Chinese are keen users of social media, YouTube and Facebook are blocked in China and Chinese counterparts are required to check all content and remove politically sensitive material before doing so.


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