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Saturday 20 August 2011

Upgrade Your Life: Revive A Dying Laptop Battery

Upgrade Your Life: Revive A Dying Laptop Battery
Laptop battery wear? In the episode this week to upgrade your life shows Yahoo News »Becky Worley us how we can help batteries last longer ... and what to do when they run out!
First, the basic
Most laptops use batteries that can last 3-5 years, around 1000 charges. (The premium for the laptop battery may take longer.) Each time you charge the battery, the battery capacity is reduced. Originally may have had a duration of 3.5 hours, but after a year will be without the juice of three hours, even with a full load.
If the battery capacity has decreased, there are some things you can do about it. First, measure the correct amount of capacity lost. There are free downloads to make this work, as the Bar of the battery (for Windows PC) or coconut battery (for Mac). They compare the current maximum capacity of your battery duration when new.
(UPDATE recommended first Battery Eater, and while the program works fine, its download site was compromised and recommended an alternative program, Bar CNET battery discharge).
Battery calibration
You can not miraculously dissolve the battery capacity. Lose power over time, chemical reactions occur as the battery puffing along the stream to a laptop. You can not undo the changes, but there is a common problem you can fix the battery: Many laptop computers, the operating system, the meter battery may be out of sync, the amount of juice that the battery really is.
Imagine if the gas gauge on a car dashboard has been a misreading of the amount of gas that have been in the tank. It is run out of gas when you thought you had a quarter tank left, or if you were filling up too often. The laptop, this could mean the laptop turns off suddenly when the counter says that you have 30 minutes to go. Or the meter may indicate that you only have 2 minutes of battery life left, and turn off the laptop down when in reality it is still 20 minutes left.
Recalibrate the battery meter can be read correctly the current state of the battery, and so the operating system knows where you are on battery power.
How to recalibrate
First, download the laptop battery is fully charged, and leave it for at least two hours. Unplug the laptop and set power management settings to never turn off or lower the screen brightness. (HP has instructions on how to use the Windows 7 and Vista, and Windows XP, but Apple has instructions for Mac laptops at their site.)
You want to drain your battery completely, leave the handset to rest for at least five hours in this way - as, for example during the night. (Just be careful to mute the sound, because some of the laptops to make a warning sound when you are running low.), Then download it again and find a more detailed description, and the battery capacity. In some cases, you might even get more life out of it.
Good practice to keep the battery
One might think that the best way to keep your laptop battery wear is not to use it. Right?
Apparently, the batteries are like muscles, they must be investigated on a regular basis to stay healthy. Ideally, you want to use the laptop unplugged for at least once a day, as the commuter train or bus, or on the couch watching TV. If you are not going to use it, constantly charging the battery is a bad idea, HP recommends on their website that if you intend to leave your laptop power outlet or consisting in storage for more than two weeks, you should take the battery from the laptop.
Beyond the expiration date
So when is it time to throw the old battery? The answer is surprising is "never." Laptop batteries contain many toxic chemicals, and should never end up in landfills. Fortunately, the e-Stewards. Org have a list of recyclers in the environment that will take your old batteries without any hassle.
When is it time to replace the battery, then? Use the free utility from apps Becky said, and when they say that the battery can hold about 25% of its original capacity, it is probably time for a new one. You can buy a new laptop battery manufacturer's original, and there are many places online that sell small PC laptop batteries such as laptops for small and Owners of Mac laptops can have their latest laptop swapped in a non-replaceable Apple store with an appointment.


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