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Thursday 25 August 2011

Grammar In A Group Of Old Navy Shirts. Uh Oh.

Grammar In A Group Of Old Navy Shirts. Uh Oh.
A person who writes a copy of the Old Navy t-shirt is a fairly easy task. No play on words, not of-the-moment cultural references, but only a few words of sports or summer, after a couple of exclamation points. It 'hard to tighten. But screw, anyone really.
Hundreds of thousands of shirts a retailer of new coach college football has been sent to the shops the phrase "Let's go," sans apostrophe. Grammar major failure.
I can not say I do not relate. Apostrophes and commas are to my left and right Achilles' heels. If shirts were so easy to resolve the charges.
The error is particularly glaring for the design of the tee: It is a partnership between Old Navy and 70 leading universities. Duke, Syracuse University of Texas and Notre Dame, to name a few, all signed to be represented at the start Old Navy. Now regretting that decision. According to ETC Mode, Syracuse University officials are conducting an investigation authorized copy. Maybe it's the same person who signed the Wet Seal t-shirt.
Control stupid, yes. But we do not have to give Guy a break? It 'just a clump of two letters wrong. This is not a public flogging punishment enough? And the night after the shirts were gone to the printer and that the t-shirt for the writer was finally able to sleep, but just as he was drifting into sleep mode, the eyes popped open, palms broke into a cold sweat and he arose bed, crying: I forgot the apostrophe! This was probably suck.


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