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Saturday 20 August 2011

Seven Of The Way Rick Perry Wants To Change Constitution

Seven Of The Way Rick Perry Wants To Change Constitution
Rick Perry has a lot of ideas on how to change the basic document for the U.S. government. End up in a lifetime federal judges sent completely the demolition of two complete changes to the constitution would see a major overhaul, if the Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate had his Druthers.
Perry laid out the proposed innovations to the core document in his book, Fed Up! Our fight to save America from Washington. He sometimes mentioned on the campaign trail. Many of his ideas fall within the limits of conservative thought dominant today, but as you will see, there are also some surprises.
1. Abolition of lifetime employment for federal judges to amend Article III, Section I of the Constitution.
Founders of the nation has established a system of federal courts in which judges "good behavior" would be safe in their jobs for life. Perry believes that this provision is ready for review.
"Judges," says III, "both the Supreme and inferior courts, to keep their offices during good behavior, and, at stated times, receive compensation for their services, which does not decrease during the continuity of the office ".
Perry made no secret that he believes the judges on the bench during the past century, have overstepped their constitutional limits. The problem is that Perry is why members of the judiciary is "irresponsible" for people and their appointment to life gives them free license to act, but they would like. In his book, speaks volumes about the governor's plans to limit their terms, and offers suggestions on how to do it.
"[W] e should take measures to limit the unlimited power of the courts to rule on us without liability," he wrote in Fed Up! "There are a number of ideas on how to do it .... Such a reform would be to impose term limits of what is now the contracts lifetime federal judges, including Supreme Court or circuit courts that have so much power. One proposal, for example, judges would roll off every two years based on seniority. "
2. The Congress shall have the power to override the decisions of the Supreme Court, with two-thirds vote.
The lifetime employment for Ending federal judges are not the only way Perry has proposed to abolish the power of the courts. Finally, the book criticizes what he sees as the perfection of the power of the judiciary. (The title of chapter six is ​​"nine unelected judges tell us how to live.")
Congress gives the opportunity to veto their decisions would be another way to implement the Court up to the mark, says Perry.
"[] Llow Congress to ignore the Supreme Court with two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, increasing the risk of politicization of judicial decisions, but also to the advantage of allowing people to leave the court to decide unilaterally the policy" he writes.
3. Discard the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.
Amendment XVI gives Congress "the power to establish and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without the distribution among the several States and without regard to any census or counting." Should be removed immediately, Perry said.
Sixteenth amendment called "big milestone on the road to serfdom," Perry writes that offers an almost free hand to use the federal government projects that have little or no consultation with states.
4. End of the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.
The fall of this amendment to restore the original language of the Constitution, which gave state legislatures the power to appoint members of the Senate.
It was ratified during the Progressive in 1913, the same year the Sixteenth Amendment, seventeenth amendment gives citizens the opportunity to choose their own senators. Perry writes that proponents of change have been "accidentally" driving force "moment of populist anger."
"The American people have mistakenly allowed the federal government in a populist outbursts of anger in the early twentieth century, giving it an unlimited source of income (the Sixteenth Amendment) and changing the way senators are elected (the Seventeenth Amendment), "he writes.
5th Require the federal government to balance its budget each year.
All the ideas, Perry called for a "more important", and all plans, a balanced budget amendment probably has the best chance of passage.
"The most important thing we can do is to change the constitution - now - to limit federal spending," Perry wrote in his book. "It is generally considered two options: the traditional" balanced budget amendment "or change from a "limited budget", both of which will be a significant improvement, I prefer the second Let us document the people -..... Constitution - to a real limit in place to control animals in Washington. "
A campaign to pass a balanced budget amendment in Congress under a single vote in the Senate in the 1990's.
Last year, House Republicans proposed an amendment to limit spending to limit federal spending 20 percent of the economy. Depending on the language of the amendment, the restriction can be overridden by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or a declaration of war.
6. The Federal Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman in 50 states.
Saying last month that it was "fairly well", says New York City, such as allowing gay marriage, said Perry, now supports a constitutional amendment that would permanently ban gay marriage across the country, and to overturn all state laws define the relationship of marriage beyond a man and a woman.
"I can respect the right of a State to have a different opinion and take a different approach, if you like, California, which has" Perry told the Christian Broadcasting Network in August. "I respect that right, but as our founders said," Look here if all of you in the future, think things are so important you need to change the constitution, this is how you do it. "
In an interview with the ticket earlier this month, Perry spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said that although it would nullify laws in several states, the amendment is even wider in the philosophy of Perry, because the amendments require ratification by three fourths of the states added to the Constitution.
7. Abortion should be illegal throughout the country.
As the issue of gay marriage, Perry, once believed that abortion should be left between the Policy, as it did before the 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade. But at the same time the Christian Broadcasting Network interview, Perry said he would support a federal amendment to an illegal abortion because she was "so important ... for the soul of this country, and traditional values ​​[of] our ancestors" .


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